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Showing posts from December, 2019

Aurelia - The jelly fish

Aurelia : The jelly fish A .  Habitat - 1 . Aurelia commonly referred to as 'jelly fish' beacuse of It's jelly- like appearance. 2.Aurelia is cosmopolitan in distribution, occuring in warm and temperate sea all over the world. It is common along the Tamil Nadu coast. B. Habit.. 1. Aurelia may float passsively , floating with water current or swims actively by constraction movement , singly or in shoals. 2. It is carnivorous , feeding on small animals includes organism such as mollusks , crustaceans, rotifers, protozoans, fish's eggs. 3.Aurelia is dioecious that is the male and female sexes are seperate but there is no sexual diamorphism . 4. Fertilization is internal. 5. Life history of aurelia include a free swimming planula larva and a fixed polyp -like structure Schyphistoma larva which multiples by transverse fission.